Tontine Charity Donations
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Tontine Charity Donations

As a proud Australian manufacturer with a history dating back to 1956, Tontine has supported a number of local community and charity organisations over the years, helping these organisations provide support to a large number of individuals and wide range of groups that benefit greatly from the amazing assistance that the charities provide.

One of Tontine's most enduring and significant charitable partnerships is with  Breast Cancer Network Australia.

Breast Cancer Network Australia

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. For more than 20 years, they have worked tirelessly to ensure that all Australians who are affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support. 

BCNA was born out of a small group of determined women who wanted to make the breast cancer journey better. When Lyn Swinburne founded BCNA her vision was for no one to feel alone through their experience of breast cancer. In 2021 and beyond, that vision will remain their priority.

BCNA have built a strong and resilient network that brings together over 150,000 individuals and more than 250 member groups. They reach over 70 per cent of Australians newly diagnosed with breast cancer as they advocate for, connect, inform and support them on a journey that nobody wants to take.

BCNA’s fearless pursuit of a stronger healthcare system that delivers the very best care, treatment and support for all Australians affected by breast cancer is significant, but one of the most important things they do is make sure that nobody goes through breast cancer alone.

How Tontine Supports BCNA

Charities like BCNA need help to work their magic in our communities and providing the level of support that organisations like BCNA do, to as many people as they do, doesn't come cheap. With that in mind, Tontine provides much needed cash donations.

These cash donations are generated in a couple of ways, including donating $1 from the sale of every specially marked BCNA pillow pack sold at leading Australian retailers like Harris Scarfe, Spotlight and Big W.

With the generous support of these retailers, and the amazing group of everyday Australians who purchase the Tontine BCNA pillow, we are able to donate tens of thousands of dollars each year to BCNA.

In 2020, a tough year for everyone including charities like BCNA, Tontine participated in BCNA's Giving Tuesday event, where Tontine matched dollar for dollar donations made by the general public, up to the value of $30,000 (the target for the event set by BCNA).

Amazingly, the $30,000 target was reached within 24 hours, and with the addition of Tontine's matching donations, over $60,000 was raised in total.

In 2021, we were able to further support BCNA with an additional $100,000 in donations.

Future Support of BCNA

Tontine is committed to continue our partnership with BCNA and support them as well as we can in the future.

Fortunately, we have the support of great Australian retailers like Big W, Spotlight and Harris Scarfe which allows us to continue that support.

We are also very thankful to everyday Australians who support us by buying the Tontine BCNA pillows when they see them offered for sale.

How You Can Help

If you would like to help support Tontine provide financial donations to the BCNA and help them continue to provide outstanding support to people fighting breast cancer, simply purchase one of the specially marked Tontine BCNA pillows.

As you can see, these pillows are hard to miss with their bright pink colouring and the BCNA Pink Lady logo featured prominently on pack. 

As well as helping support a great cause, these are great family pillows made right here in Australia.

For more information on BCNA visit


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